Send Email

The Send Email manipulate step allows you to send the entire schema or the content of the current schema via email.



To configure this manipulate step, follow the instructions below:


  1. In the Admin Navigation tree, select Interfaces > InterfaceName > Tasks > TaskName > Steps.
  2. On the toolbar, click New >New Manipulate Step.

Creating a New Manipulate Step

  1. Navigate to the Execution section and select Send Email.

Execution Section

  1. In the Send Email work area, fill in the following fields:

Fields Configuration

The following table describes the fields available for this step:


Fields Description


Provide a distinctive name for this step.

Is Active

Select the checkbox to engage the scheduler for this step.

Order of Execution

Enter the order in which this step should be executed.

Filter Expression

Optional. Use this filed to filter data from the source database prior to inserting it into the Schema table.

Sort Expression

Optional. Use this field to sort data from the source database prior to inserting it into the Schema table.

Stop interface execution if query failed

Optional. If enabled, the system will stop any data manipulation if the query returns an error.

Save Schema (enabled per interface)

If selected, the schema is created for this step.


Used to set the appropriate character encoding.

Send Empty Schema

By default, IConduct doesn’t send email, if the schema doesn’t contain any data. Select this checkbox to send an email with an empty schema.

Insert Schema Into Mail Body (Otherwise schema will be sent as attached file)

By default, IConduct sends Schema as an email attachment. Select this checkbox to insert the schema into the email body.


Do not include schema

Select this checkbox to send an email without the schema attached.

Send per row

Select this checkbox to retrieve data from each row of the schema and send it as a separate email.

Emails from schema

If the schema column contains email addresses, it is possible to send an email to multiple addresses in one go. To do so, select the column that contains email addressed from the dropdown box.


Enter the valid email address the schema will be sent to.

Note: for multiple email addresses, the first address is stated as To:, the remaining are Cc’d.


Allows you to specify the email subject.

Or get Subject from column

Allows you to retrieve the email subject from the schema column. When sending the entire schema, the program takes the subject from the first schema row. When sending the schema per row, the program sends the subject from this row.

Select the relevant Schema Column containing the subject. Otherwise, leave this field empty.


The field is used for entering the actual email content. Type the text message here to be sent in the email body.


  1. Click the Save button.